Thursday, June 25, 2015

Week 6 blogpost

I found the reading this week to be relatively easy to read. The first reading and second reading were both formatted in a conversation like style which was pretty cool. The writer also gave lots of examples to help you understand exactly what he was talking about which was helpful. The main idea of the first reading was regarding how you present your words in an argument will change the viewers perception of the message you are trying to get across. One of the ways he was talking about expressing this would be through ethos, pathos, and logos. Every audience you are trying to reach will have a different message, for the most part. If you are trying to guilt people or touch people right in the feels then pathos would be your greek/latin expression to go with (I have narry a clue if pathos is even greek or latin). Incorporating ethos into an argument would entail you to choose your words suitably for the audience or topic you are trying to express, whether that be your grammar, formality, etc. Then logos would be very factual based statements. Logos is best used for the hard headed businessman who are all FACTS FACTS FACTS. I personally think that in order to make a really strong argument ALL THREE of these strategies have to be applied to your message. With all three of these your audience has no choice but to side with you. Think about it here, throw out some pathos to draw the audience in make them feel interested in what you're saying emotionally because that is when people really listen. After you have their attention is some ethos to help yourself sound more credible and relatable to the audience. Then finally seal the deal with some logos to make the audience certain that what you are saying is factual and true. What more do you need to win an argument than that! These strategies can be applied in everyday life or the business world. Try it out and see for yourself!

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